Morning Routine
There are many language opportunities in all our morning routines. Use your AAC user's language system to connect with them around their morning experience.
- look nice
- you fast
- great
- it yummy
- tired today
- beautiful outside
Ask for things
- want eat
- need socks
- get brush
- have drink
- want cereal
- coffee
- I tired
- leave me alone
- don't want
- go away
- need sleep
- why?
Ask questions
- how sleep?
- what do today?
- what eat?
- where socks?
Tell each other what to do
- get up
- take off
- put on
- wash face
- take shower
- brush teeth
- do hair
- stretch
- shoes on
Nighttime Routine
Modeling can also happen at the end of the day. A nighttime routine can be a great time to connect with your child.
Tell each other what to do
- put on pajamas
- go toilet
- turn off light
- brush teeth
- sleep now
- get in
Comment on bedtime
- clean teeth
- you did it!
- you tired
- nice day
- day done
- time sleep
- take long
- warm bed
- soft pillow
- favorite book
- sleepy
- annoying
- not tired
- exhausted
- not fair
- thirsty
Ask questions
- why bed now?
- how day?
- what do tomorrow?
Ask for things
- need water
- more story
- want cuddle
- give hug
- night light
- blanket
- want mom/dad
Remember that AAC modeling can happen anytime. Here are some ideas to get you thinking about ways to model at mealtime. Enjoy your time together!
Share about your day
- it boring
- long day
- no school
- watch TV
- talk friend
- go walk
- read book
- call grandma
- sister annoying
Comment on your meal
- yummy
- yuck
- hungry
- not hungry
- taste good
- like it
- my favorite
- don't like
- thirsty
- delicious
- hot
Ask for things
- want more
- have that
- want to drink
- need napkin
- please give
Ask questions
- how day?
- how is it?
- have dessert?
Make sure that you have a waterproof option as a part of the user's AAC system. A light tech communication board is great for the bathtime.
- you dirty!
- smelly feet!
- water cold
- it hot
- hurt eyes
- fun
- oh no!
- I wet
- you silly
- you clean
- not smelly
Talk about your process
- turn on
- get in
- water off
- wash hair
- wash feet
- you help
- I do it
- you all done
- get out
- take towel
Ask for things
- need towel
- want toys
- bubble bath
- do more
- want play
- more water
- give me it
- shower on
Ask questions
- you ready?
- what was?
- when last
- where soap?
- shy splash?
- what next?
Cook together
Ideas for modeling while cooking together:
Ask for things
- want more
- make cookies
- need drink
- more chocolate
Comment on what you make
- yum
- crunchy
- yuck
- smelly
- taste good
- like it
- salty
- hot
- sweet
- messy
- exciting
- oh no!
- not good
Ask questions
- what make?
- what need?
- who do it?
Tell each other what to do
- wash hands
- make more
- you taste
- help do
- put it in
- mix it
- take out now!
- do dishes
- get that
Read together
Modeling while you read with your AAC user is a wonderful way to teach language.
Get attention
- look!
- oh, no!
- wow!
Invite participation
- what think?
- what next?
- who help?
- what favorite?
- you like?
- why do?
- where going?
Comment on the story
- that cool
- funny story
- surprise!
- like you!
- he silly
- you do that
- that scary
- exciting
- he lucky
- smart
- naughty
- gross!
Ask for things
- this book
- want see
- different book
- read more
- again
- you read
- do myself
- you choose
- want done
Get outside, garden together, and model some AAC while you do!
- nice out
- beautiful
- look that
- you big help
- pretty flower
- dirty hand
- boring
- feel wet
- smell good
- it get big
- need water
Talk about your process
- put in
- take out
- dig it
- pull out
- water it
- turn on/off
- you do
- I help you
- come me
- I done
Ask questions
- what do?
- what that?
- what like?
- where put?
- who do?
- what next?
- what happen?
- how much more?
Grocery planning
- yummy!
- not like it
- fish gross
- delicious
- my favorite
- think ok
- hungry now
- taste good
- love that
- it all gone
- fruit great
Ask for things
- get ice cream
- want cheese
- more chips
- mac & cheese
- eat bacon
- chicken nuggets
- get snacks
Ask questions
- what need?
- what make?
- what think?
- which want?
- when go?
- why I not go?
- have toilet paper?
Share ideas
- make cookies
- pizza party
- me cook you
- different dinner
- it dirty
- my favorite
- boring
- tuck!
- clean now
- no more
- I don't like
- great
- you big help
- warm
- hard work
Talk about the process
- open it
- put in
- wash it
- soap in
- I do
- turn on
- look in
- it stop
- take out
- it turn
- put away
- we done
Ask questions
- How do?
- where sock?
- who shirt?
- what next?
- when done?
- why more?
Make it silly
- pants on head
- sock on hand
- sock on nose
- smelly sock
- not go there
- gross
Get dressed
Use your AAC learner's system to talk about getting dressed.
- look good!
- nice look
- new!
- get small
- beautiful!
- dirty
- cold outside
- you fancy!
- itchy!
- don't like
- like red
Ask for things
- want pink
- need warm
- give it
- underwear
- want pajamas
Tell each other what to do
- put on
- take off
- need wash!
- get shirt
- have change
- pants on
- look favorite
- help me
Ask questions
- what wear?
- where socks?
- it clean?
- where favorite?
- why not pajamas?
- it fun
- that good
- not like it
- you crazy
- look that
- feel tired
- I hot/cold
- cool
- think great
- exciting
- not get me!
Ask for things
- want swing
- go walk
- need coat
- do more
- big push
- swing high
- get me
- want turn
- go slide
Tell each other what to do
- get on/off
- give push
- push me
- climb up
- come down
- don't help
- watch me
- play
- run fast
- do different
- stop it
Ask questions
- what do?
- where go?
- who do?
- who that?
- how push?
- when go?
Bring a light tech version of your user's AAC system and go to the pool.
- fun
- awesome
- feel good
- nice day
- you wet
- feel scared
- like swim
- it hot
- you splash
- pool great
- get cold
- feel excited
Talk about the fun
- sunscreen on
- put on
- take off
- dry off
- get in/out
- come swim
- jump in
- go bathroom
- take break
- get clothes
- do more
- all done
Ask for things
- need towel
- need drink
- want snack
- float
- sunglasses
- swim more
Ask questions
- what think?
- what happen?
- what next?
- what need?
Many people worry about AAC devices getting damaged at the beach. It's one of the reasons that having a light-tech version of the AAC user's system is so important.
- excited
- it hot
- wet
- I love it
- this fun
- see bird
- I tired
- beautiful
- sun bright
- sand on feet
- thirsty
- look
- don't like
Talk about the fun
- sunscreen on
- in water
- make big
- look shell
- stop that
- sit down
- go walk
- build castle
- dig sand
- sand on me
- come
- go home
Ask for things
- need towel
- give more
- want drink
- want break
- want toy
- want snack
- swim with me
- sunglasses
- need shovel
Ask questions
- when eat?
- when go?
- what see?
- what do?
- why have go?
It can be a great time to model AAC if you can eat out safely.
- hard wait
- I'm hungry
- yum
- it hot/cold
- my favorite
- fancy
- don't like it
- gross
- I'm full
- look good
- loud here
- soicy
- this nice
Talk about the meal
- look menu
- get soda
- hurry up
- more water
- need salt
- need pay
- want that
- come soon
- need fork
- you taste
- get dessert
- we go now
Prestored messages
- Can I have…
- Check please!
- I'm allergic to…
Ask questions
- what want?
- where food?
- what you get?
- where bathroom?
Video Chat
It's important to encourage communication with dear ones, even if they are far from home.
- I bored
- great to see you
- look good
- feel sad
- you funny
- that cool
Ask questions
- how you?
- what new?
- see movie?
- how family?
- when think see?
Build relationships
- I love you
- miss you
- you ok?
- talk soon?
Share about the day
- do school
- go outside
- dance party
- plat game
- nice walk
- rain here
- read book
- make lunch
- watch TV
Tell each other what to do
- turn on
- talk grandma
- my turn
- me see it
- all done now
- listen me
- call friend
- turn up
Beauty day
Self-care is necessary and fun! We can take care of our hygiene and well-being and still model.
- beautiful
- look great
- pretty color
- nice hair
- feel good
- not like it
- look you!
- fancy
- cool
- it ok
- fun
Talk about the process
- put on
- take off
- open it
- brush hair
- do toes
- different
- do lips
- do makeup
- you turn
- come look
- wash hair
- get clip
- you all done
- look mirror
- take out
Ask for things
- brush more
- want red
- make eyes blue
- give that
- need lotion
Ask questions
- what want?
- what think?
- how look?
- what color?
- how do?
- what next?
On a walk
Tell each other what to do
- come with me
- stop here
- slow down
- let's go
- hurry up
Comment on your walk
- nice day
- it cold
- love go out
- feel good
- long walk
- see bird
- walk fast
- walk slow
- big tree
- fun outside
- windy day
Get attention
- look!
- see that!
Ask questions
- where go?
- what that?
- how long?
- when done?
Online shopping
Sometimes we just can't physically go shopping, and that's okay. We have the option of online shopping. Why not model while online shopping so we can share the fun?
- that cute
- look weird
- not like
- pretty shirt
- need that
- it great
- excited
- I like it
- it nice
- cool
- hurry up come
- handsome
- expensive
Talk about the fun
- look up
- find shoes
- come see
- get that
- help find
- not get
- can't find
- please
- look different
- I don't know
- buy later
- buy it
Ask for things
- need clothes
- want shoes
- buy book
- get you
- puzzle
- want different
Ask questions
- what need?
- what color?
- how much?
- what store?
- what think?
- when come?
Playing ball
Playing is not only delightful but healthy. Express the fun by modeling!
- awesome
- big ball
- I like it
- it little
- ball great
- don't like
- hard kick
- cool
- excellent
- yellow ball
- I tired
- think fun
- makes me mad
Talk about the fun
- play ball
- I get it
- help me
- kick it
- bounce
- do again
- my turn
- give me
- throw it up
- roll down
- you catch
- I finished
Ask for things or actions
- want green
- need turn
- want kick
- give football
- more
Ask questions
- what do?
- where go?
- who do?
- where throw?
- which ball?
The fun is self-explanatory here... bubbles! Share the joy, and don't stop modeling.
- look!
- big bubble
- it pop
- get wet
- sticky
- pop nose
- pretty
- fun
- you silly
- it not work!
- go up
Tell each other what to do
- I open
- take out
- put in
- you do
- blow
- my turn
- pop it
- I help
- blowhard
- catch bubble
Ask questions
- who do?
- where blow?
- where go?
- what next?
- what do?
- what think?
- how blow?
Ask for things
- want big
- want blow
- make more
- need towel
- want little
- blow lots
- want done
Play with pets
If you have pets, grab your AAC user's system and play together. Playing with them can be a great time to model language.
- cute
- he silly
- smelly mouth
- wet
- pretty cat
- soft
- need bath
- look!
- she loud
- love you
- good dog
- fun toy
- like it
Talk about the fun
- want play
- come
- go out
- get it
- wait
- bring it
- throw ball
- my turn
- you do
- give foot
- sit down
- want eat
Ask questions
- where go?
- where throw?
- where hide?
- where cat?
- who good?
- who beautiful?
- can I pet?
Building toys
Whether you have legos or old boxes, building toys is a fantastic activity for modeling AAC.
- awesome
- it fall down
- tall tower
- makes me mad
- frustrating
- that mine
- oh, no!
- that smart
- that funny
- you silly
- cool
- great
Pretend and imagine
- it house
- my store
- build zoo
- oh no monster!
- drive car
Talk about building
- put on
- take off
- make big
- knock down
- I help
- give me
- don't do
- your turn
- make different
- do more
Ask questions
- what build?
- what want?
- where go?
- what that?
- who do?
- who turn?
- you see it?
- how do?
Arts and crafts
Make something together. While you do, use your learner's AAC system to talk about it. Arts and craft activities with your AAC user are fun, and they offer an opportunity to get creative.
- it great
- you awesome
- it messy
- frustrating
- look that
- beautiful
- fun
- I made it
- that cool
- not like
Talk about your process
- put on
- I get it
- give me
- open it
- cut paper
- glue it
- draw circle
- color in
- do more
- I all done
Ask for things
- what make?
- what need?
- what draw?
- what do?
- where glue?
- where put?
Ask questions
- need paper
- want paint
- different color
- want help
- paintbrush
- blue marker
- scissors
Scavenger hunt
Scavenger hunts are fun! You can hunt for just about anything!
- hard find
- I find it
- good eye
- can't find
- this fun
- lucky
- I excited
- excellent
- it big/little
- wrong color
- find fast
- great
- frustrating
- you good
Talk about the fun
- come with me
- need blue
- take picture
- help me
- I see it
- I don't know
- we all done
- look there
- look different
- put in
- hurry up
- go find more
- have all
Ask for things
- want paper
- give bag
- need that
Ask questions
- what find?
- what that?
- what next?
- where look?
- what see?
- how many more?
Video Games
Video games are fun to play, and they can help us learn a lot of interesting facts. That makes playing video games an excellent time for modeling.
- look like me
- it hard
- boring watch
- exciting
- it fun
- you good
- cool game
- oh no!
- that easy
- you did it
- frustrating
- nice
- not fair
- awesome
Talk about the fun
- turn on/off
- choose
- my turn
- I play now
- get them
- do different
- go there
- not do that
- look out
- take that
- play with me
- you win
- take break
Ask for things
- want play
- more
- give me that
- want snack
- new game
Play Dough
Play Dough is a great activity. Enjoy playing together!
- think fun
- that mine
- it pizza
- cool!
- scary snake
- old hard
- red favorite
- you crazy
- pretty heart
- smell good
- you make it
Talk about the process
- open it
- take out
- roll play dough
- I help
- cut pizza
- push down
- squeeze it
- don't touch
- I done
- put in/on
Ask for things
- make snake
- need knife
- want blue
- different
- want more
- cookie cutter
- get new
Ask questions
- what make?
- what that?
- what think?
- what want?
- who do?
- how do?
- why dry?
Bike ride
If the AAC user has a bicycle, a bike ride can be a great time to model AAC. Get out together, enjoy your time, and talk using the AAC system.
- you fast
- nice outside
- oh no!
- thirsty
- feel hot
- hard go up
- think great
- it fun
- awesome
- that hurt
- look you go
- like fast
- leg tired
- think great
Talk about the fun
- go ride
- get on/off
- take off
- do more
- fall down
- want stop
- come with me
- helmet on
- hurry up
- go there
- hurt knee
- we done
- I need a break
- I need help
- I need to go to the bathroom
Ask questions
- who come?
- where go?
Washing the car
If you're worried about water damage, consider a waterproof light tech communication support.
- it dirty
- bubbles
- you wet
- I like it
- this fun
- like car
- red car
- hard work
- good now
- look nice
- shiny
- big help
- it clean
Talk about the process
- I help
- turn on/off
- give me that
- get there
- come here
- not get me
- we do
- need water
- clean wheel
- do window
- I get you
- all done
Ask for things
- more bubbles
- play in water
- want hose
- more soap
- want ride
Ask questions
- where soap?
- who help?
- what think?
- what get now?
- we done?
Make a puzzle
Puzzles stimulate concentration, logical thinking, and patience. If doing puzzles is an activity the AAC user enjoys, then do it as often as you can and model so you can exchange thoughts while doing it.
- awesome
- it hard
- cool
- can't do it
- look
- great
- you did it
- annoying
- you smart
- I don't know
- like it
Talk about the process
- want puzzle
- do that
- put in
- I help
- you do
- get more
- do different
- need that
- all done
- choose
- take out
- not go in
- go there
- turn it
- need help
- I have it
- all done
- come see
Ask questions
- which do?
- where put?
- what next?
- where go?
- who do?
Trampolines are great as a sensory activity. If the AAC user likes to jump, it's a good opportunity to model on the AAC system.
- it fun
- exciting
- feel happy
- you silly
- big jump
- little jump
- favorite
- that hurt
- not fair
- dizzy
- look you!
- fast
- get tired
Talk about the fun
- shoes on/off
- get on/off
- I do it
- take turn
- your turn
- go up
- come up/on
- get down/off
- jump high
- take break
- do more
- stop
- done
Ask for things and actions
- turn on music
- want ball
- watch me
Ask questions
- who next?
- how high go?
- who do?
Baby doll
Playing with a baby doll may teach the AAC user about responsibilities and babies while having fun. Model and talk with the AAC user about those things and their curiosities.
- stinky
- upset
- love you
- you hungry
- baby tired
- quiet
- cute
- it dirty
- clean diaper
- it ok
- yummy
- look sleep
- good baby
Talk about the activity
- come play
- do different
- all done
- do more
- put away
- I help
- you hold
- take off
- clothes on
- want more
- eat baby
- night night
- give kiss
- need change
- give bath
- drink milk
- need food
- go bed
Ask questions
- what wrong?
- what smell?
- what eat?
- why cry?
- what want?
Talk about loss
Loss is a part of life. Language helps us understand and process our feelings. Talk about death and all the feelings that come with it using AAC. Everyone deserves access to these conversations. The death of a loved one is confusing and loaded with emotion.
- feel sad
- different now
- I don't understand
- it hard
- love them
- confused
- they died
- I'm sorry
- I miss them
- feel bad
- not fair
- I mad
- I can't believe
- life changed
Talk about it
- not come back
- ok cry
- need hug
- no more hurt
- ok not cry
- you safe
- remember fun time
- I'm here
- I listen
- look picture
- want see them
- take time
- need recover
- no one understand
- want see them
Ask questions
- have question?
- why?
- how feel?
- when feel ok?
- want talk?
Say goodbye
- I love you
- miss you
- goodbye
It's essential to talk about Covid-19 with the AAC user. Even if you're not sure they understand, it's part of our current reality.
- feel worried
- I bored
- mask uncomfortable
- confused
- it hard
- I hate it
- unfair
- it scary
- it weird
- don't like it
- frustrating
- annoying
- don't want to do it
Talk about it
- wear mask
- wash hands
- not go out
- miss friends
- you safe
- people get sick
- doctor help
- read story
- I don't know
Advocacy and self-talk
- I don't understand
- I need a hug
- I can give space
- please explain
- I'm safe
- I can
Ask questions
- what's happening?
- when go out?
- where you going?
- why home?
- when see?
- you ok?
Watching TV
Making modeling a part of your everyday activities is crucial. It doesn't have to be perfect. The most important thing is to connect with the AAC user using their language.
Ideas for modeling while watching TV:
Tell each other what to do
- want different
- more
- get snack
- turn on
Comment on the show
- funny
- scary
- like it
- not good
- weird
- boring
- awesome
- cool
- interesting
Ask question
- like it?
- what's happening?
- why do?
"Fight" over the remote
- mine
- not you
- stop it
Personal Care
It may be helpful to have a non-electronic communication board in the bathroom. Make the AAC support as easy to access as possible.
- dirty
- stinky
- awesome
- that hurt
- smell nice
- you wet/dry
- done fast
- clean hands
- not want do
- water hot
- not like it
- clean now
- look good
Talk about the process
- turn on/off
- more soap
- wash face
- need do it
- take shower
- don't help me
- need shave
- brush hair
- brush teeth
- deodorant on
- all done
Ask for things
- bubbles
- lotion
- give towel
- want long shower
Ask questions
- ok I help?
- how do hair?
- how feel?
- what next?
- what think?
Listening to music
Music is a fantastic way of communicating emotions by itself. If you model while listening to it together, you can talk about many feelings and thoughts.
Comment on the music/dance
- I like it
- awesome
- that weird
- bad song
- fun dance
- you funny
- don't like
- my favorite
- terrible
- not cool
- old song
- loud
Ask for things
- different
- do again
- new song
- turn it up
- dance me
- want fast
- quiet song
- play drum
- cool song
Ask questions
- what favorite?
- why you like?
- what think?
End the party
- I done
- finished
- tired need stop
- have headache
Hide and seek
Hide and seek is an activity that includes movement. Talk about it.
Talk about the process
- your turn
- my turn
- I hide
- you come
- go in
- under that
- ready not
- I come
- go look
- look there
- not there
- can't find
- look different
- see you
- come out
- do more
- stop now
- I all done
Ask questions
- where you?
- where go?
- where look?
- when find?
- who find?
- what next?
- fun
- you good
- like play you
- this hard
- you get me
- you smart
- like it
- awesome
- silly
- frustrating
- don't like
Birthday party
Celebrate your loved ones' birthdays and use your user's AAC system to model some language!
- awesome
- you old
- yummy cake
- that cool
- it loud
- look!
- new toy
- it special
- exciting
- I like it
- don't want to do it
Talk about the party
- make card
- get present
- help open
- cake time
- blow out
- eat cake
- take out
- sing song
- need break
- have more
Ask questions
- what get?
- what want?
- who give?
- how old?
- where get?
- happy birthday
- thank you
- you're welcome
Write an email
This activity is a language task where a message is written down and shared with a receiver. It allows a parent or therapist to help the AAC user generate a full message.
Share news
- went walk
- watch movie
- had pizza
- call friend
Share ideas
- let's go store
- have party
- let's go out to eat!
- boring home
- it fun
- brother silly
- yummy
- nice
Ask for things
- get cheese store
- want music
- go bed later
- call me
Ask questions
- how you?
- what you do?
- come see me?
- when movies?
- go drive car?
- what you think?
Include greetings and closings
- hi
- hey
- to
- from
- yo
- love
- bye
- later