Treatments and therapies for Down Syndrome
As long as there is no single standard remedy for Down Syndrome, treatments and therapies are based on each individual's physical and intellectual needs. Treatments also depend on his or her strengths and limitations. People with Down Syndrome can receive proper care while living at home and in the community.
What precisely is Down Syndrome?
Down Syndrome is a condition in which a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. Children and adults with Down Syndrome can have physical problems and intellectual inabilities.
Down Syndrome has no cure. However, early treatment and therapy programs can help improve the skills of the children and adults affected.
Individuals who have this syndrome may also have other health problems.
• Heart disease
• Dementia
• Hearing problems
• Problems with the intestines, eyes, thyroid, skeleton
The chance of having a baby with Down Syndrome grows as a woman gets older.

Symptoms of the children with Down Syndrome
People with Down Syndrome are different, which is why the symptoms of Down Syndrome vary from person to person. In addition, children and adults with Down syndrome may have various problems at other times in their lives.
Physical Symptoms
Common physical signs of Down syndrome involve:
Decreased or reduced muscle tone
Short neck with excess skin at the back of the neck
Flat facial profile and nose
Small head, mouth, and ears
White spots on the colored part of the eye
Extensive, short hands with short fingers
A single, deep crease across the palm
A deep groove between the first and second toes
Besides, physical development in children with Down Syndrome is often slower than the growth of children without Down syndrome.
For example, because of reduced muscle tone, a child with Down syndrome may be hesitant to learn to turn over, sit, stand, and walk.
Children with Down syndrome can learn to participate in physical exercise activities like other children despite these delays.
Intellectual Symptoms
Common cognitive and behavioral problems may include:
Short attention span
Bad judgment
Impulsive behavior
Slowed learning
Delayed language and speech development
Early, continuous speech and language interventions to encourage meaningful language and improve speech are particularly helpful.
The 5 best therapies for Down Syndrome
With support and treatments, many people with Down Syndrome live joyful and productive lives. Alternatives can range from early intervention and physical therapy to assistive devices.
Early intervention
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all children born with Down syndrome should start receiving early intervention services soon after birth.
Early intervention is a systematic program of therapy, exercises, and activities intended to address developmental delays that children with Down Syndrome may experience.
Early intervention includes:
➊ Speech-language Therapy
This therapy helps children with Down Syndrome improve their language skills and communicate more effectively.
Children with Down syndrome learn to speak later than others.
A speech-language therapist can help them develop the skills necessary for communication, like imitating sounds.
The therapist also may help a baby breastfeed because breastfeeding can strengthen muscles used for speech.
A child with Down Syndrome can learn how to overcome these impediments and communicate more clearly with speech therapy. Some kids also benefit from learning sign language.
➋ Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy includes exercises that help build motor skills, increase muscle strength, and improve posture and balance.
A physical therapist can help a child with Down Syndrome compensate for physical difficulties, such as low muscle tone, to avoid long-term problems.
For example, a physical therapist might help a child establish an efficient type of walking rather than one that might lead to foot pain.
➌ Occupational Therapy
This type of therapy helps children manage everyday tasks and develop their skills to be independent. For example, occupational therapy teaches self-care skills: eating and being able to get dressed.
An occupational therapist might introduce special tools that can help improve everyday functioning, such as a pencil that is easier to grip.
Special Education
Your child also has the right to get services under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which starts at age 3. IDEA requires public schools to offer the best education they can, no matter what challenges an individual faces.
As part of this effort, you'll work with the school to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP). It may include things like working with a reading specialist or speech therapist.
While public schools work great for many children, other types of schools focus more on the needs of kids with Down syndrome.
Assistive Devices
Due to advanced technology, there is an expanded collection of items that could help children with Down Syndrome confront obstacles easier. There are sorts of assistive devices beneficial for learning: three-sided pencils and spring-loaded scissors, easier to hold and manage to more elaborate tools ( touchscreen tablets and computers, large-letters keyboards).
"Fluent AAC" app could be a method of developing a sense of touch and sound for children with Down Syndrome.
According to education, I can say that "Fluent AAC" is one of the few apps that allows children to use the time spent in front of a screen for educational purposes. So, while the child is learning to communicate fast and efficiently, he also gets access to a stunning design.
The pictures in bright, vivid colors make it easier for the child to understand the words and keep them in mind. Due to this incredible design, the child will associate an action with the corresponding image. "Fluent AAC" is a way of interacting and recreating simultaneously.