Our Information and Technology (IT) team is constantly thriving to develop new features, with the help of speech and language pathologists (SLPs), for you to have the best experience possible.
April 2022
Background choices for personalisation
Character personalisation
500+ symbols added in the app
Constant vocabulary updates
Open links using the buttons
Next word prediction based on user interests
10+ new modeling lessons on our website
Printable Communication Boards
New AAC videos on our website
Coming soon
Integrating a Chat for users to communicate and practice
An online A-Z guide for getting the most out of the app
Introducing more School Subjects as category
"Delete text after play" feature
World actuality matters vocabulary implementation
Email statistics to between therapist and patient
Superheroes costumes for character customization
See the most used words in different moments of the day
Near future
Spanish Translation
New grid sizes
French Translation
More detailed statistics available
800+ new symbols